Concepts for Writing Academic Papers Essay

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Handling Sources

The process of finding sources for writing any academic work is a significant procedure. However, it is essential not only to determine thematic articles or books but also provide the relevant information that readers need to understand what source contributes to a particular paper. For this purpose, some rules and recommendations will help to structure certain documents properly and present all ideas correctly and logically.

According to Mason Honors (2014), first of all, it is vital to make an outline and thoroughly think what sources fit best to cover a specific topic. Any source might bring new and reliable evidence that could strengthen a particular claim. Moreover, cited information can extend or limit a proposal, demonstrate or dispute some relationships, and reflect the contrast of differing arguments (Mason Honors, 2014). It is necessary to present the range of scholars’ viewpoints to offer a different perspective or angle and make a particular paper stronger with the help of these opinions. As Mason Honors (2014) notes, the tasks of all citations may be different: to present background information, reflect political, social or historical context, as well as prove a specific idea.

The speaker of the video warns that personal voice should not contradict the idea and meaning of a particular paper (Mason Honors, 2014). If an author wants to highlight his or her thoughts, it is necessary to remember about the general topic of the paper and not to change it. According to Mason Honors (2014), it is also essential to be able to distinguish between such phenomena as quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing as these are entirely different types of the reflection of authors’ thoughts. Following all these recommendations may help in writing a quality and correctly cited paper.

Sample Research Paper

Taylor (2015) presents the basic rules of writing research papers according to APA style on the example of the student author Jane Doe. The speaker of the video remarks that all the sections of the article have subtitles; it applies both to the text of the work and additional materials – a reference list, introduction, etc. (Taylor, 2015). The first paragraph is an introduction that presents the main ideas of the topic and the thesis, which is the essence of the work and the main conclusion of the study. Before the introduction, the subject of the article displayed on the title page of the work is repeated. As a rule, this part of the article does not need quotations if the information provided is common knowledge; if it comes to something unknown and special, citations are necessary (Taylor, 2015).

As Taylor (2015) notes, body paragraphs also have a clear structure: a topic sentence, the explanation of a stated idea, its support, and conclusion. In this part of an essay, paraphrasing and citations are commonly used to support distinct thoughts and prove author’s claims. Topic sentences express the basic ideas of a specific paragraph and bring the reader to a particular concept. All the explanations commonly describe a claimed problem in detail, revealing its meaning. The principal sources that support this or that idea are quotes from other researchers. Taylor (2015) remarks that it helps the author of a particular article supplement his or her paper with the confirmation of authoritative scholars, focusing a reader’s attention on the right issue. All the sources that are used in body paragraphs must be included in a reference list; moreover, in this part, they must be sorted alphabetically. These rules apply to all academic papers; their observance will allow writing a high-quality article that meets the requirements of APA style.


Mason Honors. (2014). [Video file]. Web.

Taylor, D. (2015). [Video file]. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 25). Concepts for Writing Academic Papers.

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"Concepts for Writing Academic Papers." IvyPanda, 25 May 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Concepts for Writing Academic Papers'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Concepts for Writing Academic Papers." May 25, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Concepts for Writing Academic Papers." May 25, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Concepts for Writing Academic Papers." May 25, 2021.

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